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Board of Directors

Michael Kasparian


Michael is presently the President and CEO of the Falmouth Chamber of Commerce; he holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Bryant University and is a graduate of both Rhode Island College and Rhode Island School of Design.  He earned a Certificate in Nonprofit Organization Management from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management in 2015 at Villanova University where he served as co-President of his class.  In 2016 he was awarded the Certified Association Executive (CAE) Designation by the American Society of Association Executives.


“Falmouth is home, leaving a leadership position in Providence, RI to raise a family on the cape became a priority. Accepting the position as Manager of Donor Relations at Falmouth Hospital allowed my wife to return to teaching at Falmouth High School and my children to be raised in this incredible community. With Falmouth Together We Can, Inc. and the many organizations under this umbrella, the family and I can actually make a difference in our community. FTWC. gets, our young, our wise, our veterans, our scientists and our impressionable teens involved in this community that is not seen else where”.


Michael is a Certified Antique Appraiser specializing in American Furniture and enjoys American History, Architecture, Hiking, and spending time outdoors with his family.

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