Falmouth Skate Park

History of the Falmouth Skate Park
In 1996, the first small skate park was created in collaboration with the Falmouth Recreation Department, the police department, the Board of Selectmen, the Falmouth Substance Abuse Commission, D.A.R.E., Falmouth Youth Council, and Falmouth Together We Can, Inc. It was built behind the police station, where it was closely monitored. It was so successful, that the first year over 1,000 children participated. A larger area was soon recognized as a need. So, the Recreation Department looked into developing a portion of land within the Trotting Park Recreational Complex for a town run permanent skate park. In 1998 during the November town meet, an appropriation of $53,000 was voted, and the first permanent town owned skate park facility opened in 1999, which still exists today.
In 2013, the Community Preservation Committee and November Town Meeting (article 35) granted the Skatepark and FTWC, Inc. $185,0000 to build a new state of the art skatepark. Unfortunately, the construction cost of the skatepark kept rising and the money raised and appropriated did not cover the cost.
Around 2008, Dr. Keith Bleiler, president of the Skatepark Association, gained unanimous approval and support from the Recreation Department, the Recreation Committee, and the Falmouth Board of Selectmen to start fundraising for a new and improved skate park facility, under the umbrella of Falmouth Together We Can, Inc. Donations from the Lorusso Foundation, Kelly Foundation, Falmouth Road Race, Tony Hawk Foundation, as well as businesses and individuals helped pay for the design by Stantec Consulting, Inc. and got the ball rolling.
In 2017, April Town Meeting (article 28), $300,000 was voted to fund the new proposed skatepark. Adira Construction, Inc. partnered with specialty contractor Artisan Skateparks, was awarded the bid for construction in 2019 and the project began to come to life. Although there was no grand opening for the skatepark due to the pandemic, it was completed in 2020 and was heavily used by the youths and citizens of Falmouth. The kids just love it! The Falmouth Skate Park is under the jurisdiction of the Town of Falmouth and the Falmouth Recreation Department. It is open to the public from dawn to dusk.